Bee Hive Removal in Arlington, VA

We Take The Bees To A Beekeeper

Got Bees? We can get rid of them and still keep them alive!

We Relocate

Bees & Beehives

With Ease!

Bees can eat your house. We’ve relocated hundreds of hives.

Reasons you need bee hive removal service:

  • Bees can be dangerous to children, pets and yourself if they sting you.
  • The beehives can cause damage to your house, siding and structure.
  • Often, the hive is out of reach and difficult to remove without destroying it.

Nest Pest Control Service is the solution!

We live in a time when bees are becoming more scarce and so we take care to make sure that any pollinating bees are removed rather than destroyed if at all possible. Nevertheless, bees can be a real hazard and nuisance so you should use professionals to remove them and treat the area so they won’t come back.

wasp and bee comparison photo

We provide wasp nest removal, too

We are experts at identifying bees and wasps.

Sometimes they can “bee” difficult to identify. Nest Pest Control are experts at identifying the differences between a bee colony and a wasp’s, hornet’s or yellow-jacket’s nest.

After discovering the type of pest you may have, we determine a plan to remove, exterminate or destroy the hive so that you and your family will not be bothered by these flying insects any more.

Bees Are Good For Flowers and Fruits, Not For Homes!

We’ve been controlling pests like bees and wasps for over 20 years. That experience has taught us the best way to control for bees. Ultimately, most bee hives can be safely moved with our expert beekeepers. These guys will then use the bees to pollinate local farmers’ crops and produce honey and wax for years to come.

If you develop anaphylaxis because of a beesting, call the ambulance right away. Otherwise, call Nest Pest Control to brighten your day and keep those bees away.

bee nest under eaves of house

Call Us Now

(703) 635-7632

Or, You Can Fill Out This Form And We Will Call You!

    What pest are you dealing with?

    What part of the property is affected? (Select all that apply)

    Don’t Just Take Our Word For It!

    Here are some great testimonials that prove we do a good job at all types of pest control, including bee hive removal.

    Pest Control
    October 13, 2021

    James at Nest Pest Control is really truly the MVP. He additionally offered tips to help me deal with my pest control issues in between treatments which was far above and beyond the call of his duty, so that was greatly appreciated. I now have my permanent pest control guy for all future treatment needs! Highly recommended.

    Mice Control
    October 13, 2021

    Nest Services came out and did a great job getting rid of my mice. We call about three other company’s and they couldn’t get rid of the problem! We call Nest Service and they came out and found the entry points right away! You guys are for real and I will always use them. Thanks

    Pest Control
    October 13, 2021

    Quick, efficient, and friendly service. They were great and gave me a guarantee

    But You Have To Call Soon.

    Our schedule fills up fast and we want to make sure you get your particular pest control problem taken care of now.

    Call Us Now
    (703) 635-7632

    Nest Pest Control Services is the BEST choice for bee control.

    We’ve been serving the Arlington area for years and have decades of experience.

    With our extensive training, we know bees and how to safely remove their hives.

    Call Us Now

    (703) 635-7632

    Or, You Can Fill Out This Form And We Will Call You!

      What pest are you dealing with?

      What part of the property is affected? (Select all that apply)

      Did you know…

      A person who manages bees is called a beekeeper, sure, but did you know they are also called apists? The common European honey bee is Apis mellifera.

      Beekeepers manage sometimes hundreds of separate colonies and send these around to different farmers during polination season. Although the average honeybee only lives for 3 months or so, the queens can live for years. In fact, a bee will often pollinate up to 5,000 flowers in it’s short life!


      A lot of people have questions about bees, pest control and our company. Here are a few that you might have:

      How long does it take to remove a beehive?

      We can remove a beehive within a few hours after starting, plus a day or three to set the appointment, go over the project and identify the bee, wasp or hornet nest.

      After identifying it, we will smoke the bees to lull them to sleep then carefully remove the hive. If successful, the bees will be transported to our beekeeper’s place to start their colony anew. If unsuccessful, we may have to destrouy the bees. Either way, you will be pest-free within a few hours of treatment. We then spray a repellant to keep more bees from establishing another colony at the same place.

      Who will answer when I call Nest Pest Control?

      9 out of 10 times the owner of Nest Services, James, will answer the phone. Nest Services LLC does business as Nest Services, Nest Pest Control, Nest Pest Control Service and even Nest Tree Service (for tree removal in Maryland).

      If James cannot answer, for whatever reason, one of his dispatchers will answer the phone and answer of all your questions, set up appointment times and make sure you are taken care of well.

      Who is the owner of Nest Services?

      James Williams has owned Nest Services for more than a decade. He started in pest control services some 20+ years ago and after a few years, he and a coworker started their own pest control business. After a few more years, the coworker decided to do a different career entirely and James has been running the pest control show ever since.

      Call Us Now So You Can Breathe Easier!

      (703) 635-7632